Google Is Better Than Facebook....

Sunday 29 April 2012

7 Solid Reasons Why Google+ is Better Than Facebook - Its Time to Migrate

on July 27, 2011 2 comments

Google, the most powerful brand of the world has Facebook as the closest competitor in Internet. Google always tried to defeat Facebook by launching social networks such as Orkut, Google Buzz and Google Wave however they could not defeat Facebook. This time, Google has come with a concept similar to Facebook and named it "Google Plus". Its user friendly and provides more privileges than Facebook. Currently, its in Invitation mood only (get a Google plus invitation) however Google will start accepting signups without any invitation soon.
Facebook did not introduce anything really interesting yet so if you are looking for something interesting, you should migrate to (or at least try) Google Plus. Here are 7 Reasons to Move from Facebook to Google Plus.

1- Integration of Google+ with other Google Services

One of the loveliest thing about Google Plus is, you can use all services of Google including Google Plus with the same account. Other services such as Gmail, Picasa, Blogger etc comes under 1 roof which is something really cool. You dont have any need to create multiple accounts to get benefits of other services of Google. On the other hand, Facebook does not give you such services at all.

2- Manage Your Contacts with Ease

Google introduced Circles which is kind of amalgamation of Facebook, Twitter and Google Buzz. You can do both, i.e. have followers and keep following plus you can also organize your contacts into different circles. You can create circles, add particular contacts in certain circle and when you will Update you status, Google Plus will ask you to which circle you want to share that status update. You can either select a single circle or can select multiple circles. This option gives you more privacy.

3- Access New things and Share them easily

Sparks is another great innovation by Google+ which is considered much faster than Facebook News Feed and the reason is Google + is integrated with Google Search engine so you can find anything instantly and can share in your circles. While in Facebook, you are dependent on external search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. In Facebook, you can not search using News Feed dialog box, their integrated search box works pathetic.

4- Storage and Access to Data

Facebook users always had privacy issues and ratio of such issues never decreased with the passage of time as Facebook does not have not have any data storage and data management services. However Google do have very organized services for Data storage and data sharing. Google has integrated Google docs and Picasa Albums with Google Plus for better user experience.

5- Easy to share photos

You get a most powerful photo sharing service "Picasa Photo Albums" integrated with Google+ account. You can upload pictures using desktop or online Picasa tools and then simply share the picture link among your circles any time.

6- Better Mobile Applications

Google has officially released their applications for various gadgets and their applications work more efficiently than Facebook's applications for any gadget. You can use Google plus on your mobile more easily, cleanly with full functionalities.

7- Group Video Chat - Hangouts

Facebook had not introduced Video Chat until the release of Google plus. Google Plus has introduced a very stunning feature called "Hangouts". You can easily create Group Video chat using Hangouts feature. Its really fun using Hangout feature of Google Plus.

Running a social network is all about handling and taking care of your privacy and when it comes to privacy, Google is much better than Facebook in maintaining user's privacy. There are possibly several other reasons for moving to Google Plus but it depends on your usage i.e. which feature of Google Plus attracts you more.