Choosing the right lip colour

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Nowadays, with the huge lipstick range of brands, colors, and textures, we find it difficult to select products that suit us. Many women refuse to wear anything but the one or two lipsticks they are accustomed to using. It’s not hard to choose lipstick colors once you know one simple fact. All you need to know is whether your skin tones are “warm” or “cool”. Everyone is either warm or cool and it’s all about your facial color: blondes, brunettes and redheads can be either one.

"If I had to teach someone just one thing about lipstick color it would be this: Find a lipstick that looks good on your face when you are wearing absolutely no makeup." -- Bobbi Brown, "Beauty".

 Some tips to help choose the perfect lipstick color for you:

For everyday makeup, choose a lipstick color that corresponds to the natural color of your skin and hair. Keep lipstick color lighter for daytime and darker for night. A sheer, natural-looking lipstick color with a little shine also works well for day.

Always test for a lipstick’s color in broad and natural daylight before purchasing it.

Don’t feel shy to mix and try as mixing of various lipstick colors might bring about the desired color which complements your skin color and tone.