Track Visitors on WordPress Blog using WP Plugins?

Tuesday 7 August 2012

After a long time i am going to be a write a old post.The Bloggers Want to Track the real visitors of his websites. so today the post is something about that. Read The following article analyzes how to track visitors on the WordPress blog using WP plugins.

Google Analytics Plugin :
It is an easy way to install WordPress plugin, this enables you to keep a track of visitors to your website. The details you can acquire from this great tracking tool is the main instances of outbound clicks and the page viewed. The tool allows you to take advantage of “asynchronous” code which enjoys the reputation of being the safest and the most reliable Google Analytics tracking code. It even allows you to take the code and keep it in any other location of your choice if that is what you desire. If you were wish, you can even track the information of downloads from your website. However, the feature which sets itself apart from the others of the kind is the facility to ignore any user if you wish to do so. Even if you desire to integrate yours website with the Google product of your choice like AdSense, this WP plugin has an option to achieve to the purpose. It is highly recommended that you subscribe to the official Google blog posts with this regard. They are sure to give you great insights into how to track visitors on WordPress using WP plugins.

WassUp :

If you were someone who has a passion for the search engine optimization, WassUp is just for you. It gives you a detailed description on the activities of the visitors to yours website in real time. It tells you the number of users online and what they are doing in your website. It also allows you to monitor attempts of unauthorized access to your websites and the efforts to hack the site. If you wish, you can be even disable tracking. The facility to ban certain IPs and the option to disable the monitoring of the attempts to exploit your website are just a few features available for you to ensure that you are able to optimize this plugin to your likes and dislikes.

StatPress :

Known to be first of this kind, so this plugin allows you to actually spy to the activities of the visitors to your website. And it is ideal for anyone who is concerned about the “blog statistics”. This allows you to the view the web browsers used, the IP address and even the name of the user surfing your website. Your traffic monitoring starts from the moment the plugin gets activated. A dashboard displays all the information being collected. In the instance of yours recorded info exceeds the available space limits, StatPress automatically delete past records to allow the recording of update information about the visitors to your blog. It even offers an option to ban the IPs you wish from surfing your website.

WP SlimStat :
A powerful plugin which allows you to the analyze the behavior of those who surf your website, this plugin offers advanced and user-friendly interface. If your website has reserved a place of its own in FB, this plugin allows you even to track the Facebook and Google Plus clicks with regard to your blog post. WP SlimStat even allows you to ban IPs, users or even domains in accordance to yours requirements and specifications. And to make sure that you get the maximum advantage of all the features and the latest developments in the field, you are required to subscribe to the WordPress blog posts of authors or owners of the plugin. If you wish to install this plugin, you should have SQL server and at least a minimum of the five MB free space in your website.

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