Kareena Kapoor, is set to reveal her fashion and beauty secrets in a new book releasing this December. In Style Diary of a Bollywood Diva, scheduled to hit stands this year end, Kareena takes readers into her fabulous life giving insights into her style, fitness and beauty.
The actress writes about her journey from a chubby teenager who accompanied her actress and elder sister Karisma on shoots into one of the hottest leading ladies in tinsel town, according to publishers Penguin Books India.
Kareena, who turns 31 later this month and who had previously written a forwarding note in her personal dietician Rujuta Diwakar�s book, talks about her fitness routine including how she came to acquire her much talked about �Size Zero� figure in the new book.
The actress, who is busy promoting her soon to be released film Heroine where she is seen sporting uber glamorous gowns will give tips to replicate her iconic looks from Pooh�s sexy red choli and pants in Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham and Geet�s T-shirt-salwar in Jab We Met.
The book by Kareena is the first to be launched under the Shobha De imprint of Penguin that includes celebrity memoirs, guides and biographies � with a focus on lifestyle, business, cinema and commercial fiction.